Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Charade No. 36

My first the lawyer and the beggar urge,
And when they've gain'd their point they are my second.
And if you look the world all round and round
My whole, man's chief pursuit is too much reckon'd.


Monday, September 19, 2016

Charade No. 35

Apologies for not posting in quite a while. Here is a charade originally published in a magazine where the winner sent his or her answer in rhyme. Once one of you has guessed the answer, I will post the rhyming version.

Take the name of a thing that your body contains,
Then scan all your thoughts, and puzzle your brains,
Add to it a thing, which in vallies (sic) is plenty,
But go to the hills and you’ll find it right scanty;
And those two together, when you have made known,
To the world you’ll discover a rich trading town.
